Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Andy & Brendan continue their divigation flow through thoughts on technology (intimate & grand) concerns on AI and their own use of technology and how it enhances both the shadow and the light elements of their individual and collective selves. You are right now using some quite advanced technology to access this podcast. So... thank you?:)
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
As we stand on the precipice of an AI-integrated future, Andy & Brendan ruminate on what technology has meant and may yet mean for us as modern vessels of sentience, purpose and utility.
And it all starts with masterful modern miracle that is the #2 pencil.
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
It is hard to enjoy anything these days. It has become very haute to not simply appreciate art & entertainment but do seek to divine and judge the worldview the creator is setting forth.Have we all become Neo-fundamentalists, seeing "the work of the DEVIL!!" everywhere or have we begun to enact a pre-technocratic synchronicity with the virtual world and we are finally seeing the binary flow everywhere of The Matrix?Or do we just like a chance to trash something?
This week, Andy & Brendan question whether this phenomenon is helpful, if it strikes out as accurate or inaccurate, and how it applies to AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER...Is THAT movie racist?
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Within the swirl of winter, within the season for giving, within the happy holiday vacation run... how much attention to we pay to actual rest?
Do we give ourselves... rest? And what is rest?
As a culture, what are we lacking? Are we OBSESSED with rest or with productivity? What are we, individually, lacking? OR should we be turning our focus away from lack altogether?
This week, Andy & Brendan, themselves lacking rest in the midst of holiday mayhem and illness, try to cogently examine what rest means to us and when it is vital and when it is sloth.
Friday Dec 16, 2022
Friday Dec 16, 2022
Can we find our way to an amnesty for the pandemic thus far? Does that question even make sense to you? Do you wonder what an amnesty is already being proposed for? Do you wonder if it's a legitimate claim? And can one have amnesty without first trial and conviction? What are the crimes we're talking about!?This week, Andy & Brendan ask and answer and re-question all that and more. You're welcome.
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
The Atlantic published a think piece that launched a thousand think pieces with the title "LET’S DECLARE A PANDEMIC AMNESTY."What does this statement mean? What would an amnesty require beforehand? What crimes would be forgiven? What criminals would be acquitted? Are we trying to skip accountability and jump straight to forgiveness without apology or are we trying to find a path of healing out of the thick of it all? Andy & Brendan try to navigate the question and find the questions behind the question that greet a statement as bold as this!
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Do we have more to fear than fear itself?This week Andy & Brendan seek to navigate how to move away from fear and disgust towards empathy, how quickly one can become convinced to fear, whether or not your intuition has affirmed this response... and where fear becomes concrete reality.What do you think? IS fear dangerous?
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
This week and next, Andy & Brendan were wondering... Is Fear Dangerous? Is fear simply an essential emotion, a fundamental survival instinct? Or was Mr. New Deal spot on when he spoke "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself?"They question this question and try to find the line were fear goes from damage control to damage creation. What do YOU think?
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
This week, Andy & Brendan further range into the quagmire of presupposition, science, ethics, semantics, kindness & niceness AND "WHY AREN'T WE ALL TALKING THIS THROUGH?" of whether pronouns (or gender itself, for that matter) are subjective/malleable. Have these noun simplifiers ceased to simplify? Have these ceased to correspond with material reality as we understand it? All this and more on this week's Totally Classic!
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
In light of the recent imprisonment of a teacher in Ireland over accusations of “misgendering” and recent Twitter addition of “misgendering” as HATE SPEECH, it appears a moral and legal battleground has been established and shots are being fired on a daily basis over not only speech, but a basis upon which truth is established. And it all circles the drain of pronouns.
Who knew a noun simplifier would be at the crux of a potential reinvention of human congress?
Today on Totally Classic, Andy & Brendan BEGIN to ask the question “Pronoun or anti?”